Last night at class, Dash was a typical puppy. He had moments where he shined bright as the star he can be, and fewer (than last

week) where he was a complete nitwit. Loose lead walking showed great improvement. We started teaching the stay command. I need to get myself more coordinated so that I don’t confuse him. He actually does very well for a baby, and I need to work on reinforcing it more. We also kicked up a cloud of dust doing puppy pushups! During the crazy dog game, he was more interested in the Goldens than he was me – until it was time to behave again (a good thing).
We actually got an early start to class yesterday, so we had time to go to Phydeaux and do a little shopping! We replaced Dash’s WubbaWubba (he opened a seam on his first one), and got a few more rawhide chews so that I’d have something to keep him busy with during downtime at class. He met a woman in a wheelchair while in the store and tried to climb into the chair with her. I was pleased to see that he didn’t freak out over the chair (however garbage cans can still eat unsuspecting Corgis). After class we went to PetCo to get a Nylaring for chewing. Another recommendation from Corgi-L.
Appropriate things to chew on is a broad topic. We know the inappropriate ones are, of course, the most fun – Dash brought me three of Gus’ shoes last night after Gus went to sleep. Clothing, especially Mike’s running hat after he exercises, are also popular with the felon, and worrisome for us.
Our lab Java was a power chewer. She managed to break bones – shatter them – that were not supposed to shatter. So there are a few products I won’t buy. Then there are the Greenies – that are supposed to be digestible, but there have been too many reports of problems with them not being so digestible on the internet for me to feel comfortable with them. My first sheltie, Duchess, rarely glanced at her Nylabone, so I haven’t wanted to spend money on that. Java quickly destroyed one of those too, so I worry about big parts or broken teeth. Speaking of broken teeth, Mom’s sheltie, Spencer, broke one on a cow hoof – so scratch those off the list (plus they stink when being chewed).
And then there is the rawhide debate with the very real concerns that because it is not really digestible that there could be blockages. Java could finish a 3 foot rawhide bone in less than a day if we had let her. We used to keep her bone in the downstairs bathtub when she wasn’t allowed to have it. Bixter was less intense, but definitely enjoyed them too. Because of our experience with our seniors over the past 13 years, I am comfortable allowing Dash to have rawhide chips under controlled circumstances – he is always monitored and watched to make sure that he is not going to fast or pulling off big bits. And he gives me the most forlorn looks when I take the scraps away at the end. Looks of disbelief that I would steal and (even worse) throw away his treasure are priceless.
At the recommendation of folks on Corgi-L, we are trying the Nylabone Ring. One description of how it will lessen the likelihood of broken teeth is that the Corgi’s can’t get a great grip on it – and thus can’t get the leverage to break a piece of the ring or a tooth (my biggest fear). So far the ring is being greeted with about the same level of enthusiasm Duchess gave her Nylabone – underwhelmed.
Another attempt to find the “perfect” chewie had mixed results for us. Sam’s Yams – dehydrated sweet potatoes – were recommended by the folks on Pembroke-L. What a great idea! Lots of vitamins, digestible, chewy. Dash motored through his first one. Nothing left in nothing flat – ut oh. Following day – bright orange soupy poops. Oops! I forgot that he is a little sensitive to sweet potatoes – same gut reaction from his whitefish and sweet potato biscuits the first time he got some. Turns out he also had something going on in his GI tract – so I waited a week after he finished his meds to try the Sam’s Yams again. So far so good. I’m also finding the smallest pieces so that his system gets used to the sweet potato. But – can they replace rawhides? Not really. He spends days working on a rawhide chip. The Sam’s Yams are gone in under 30 minutes.
An old standby, and a new toy, provide chewing and entertainment value. We have several Kongs, which when stuffed with cookies and/or peanut butter, do provide longer term entertainment. Though Dash is figuring out how to get the cookie more quickly. We also load some of his food into a Buster Cube so that he has to work to eat. It is a much louder toy than his Kongs, but it keeps him occupied.

So that leaves the non-traditional chewie – a good old fashioned cardboard box. Fortunately he simply, delightedly, shreds these and doesn’t try to eat them (same with paper – one just has to have the patience to clean up afterwards). While they keep him busy, I’m not so sure they clean his teeth.
Thus we continue on in our quest for the "perfect" chewie.